marinetics blog

Bioinformatics Solutions in Ecology and Evolution

02 Apr 2015

Count bases in Fasta file

Tagged: PERL NGS Fasta

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The script in this blog post allows you to count the number of bases or amino acids in a fasa file. This can be useful, for example, to identify the size of a genome or an assembly.


You can download the script from

How to use it?

If the perl script and your fasta file are both located in the same folder, you just need to type:

perl Fastafile.fasta

Replace Fastafile.fasta with the name of your own fastafile.

The output will look similar to:

Number of bases or amino acids in the fasta file: 422


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use warnings;
# Script to count the number of bases or amino acids in a fasta file; 
if ($ARGV[0] eq '') { die "A fasta input file is needed"};

open(IN, $ARGV[0]) or die "Can not open file $ARGV[0]";

my $seq;
while(<IN>) {
    unless (/>/){
        $seq .= $_;

close IN;

my $seqlength=length($seq);

print "Number of bases or amino acids in the fasta file: $seqlength\n";