File Transfer
Got some sequencing data? Many powerful tools to analyse them are based on the command line and this is part of a series of short but essential posts that help you getting started. I assume that you are working on a UNIX-based operating system (‘Mac’ or ‘Linux’ computer).
Before you can work on a remote server with your own data, you first
need to know how to transfer them. One of the best platform-independent
GUI programs that allows you to up- and download files is FileZilla
(Download and Documentation: In the
following lines I want to introduce the two command line tools rsync
and scp
, that allow you to transfer and synchronize files.
stands for “remote sync”. This powerful tool has plenty of
options. To see them all, type
``` {.bash org-language=”sh”} rsync –help
These options alter the way that files are transferred from a *source*
(SRC) location to a *destination* (DEST). Here is the most basic syntax
to transfer files with `rsync`
``` {.bash org-language="sh"}
Thereby, SRC and DEST can either be files or folders. For example, to transfer the file ‘file.txt’ from your local home folder to a remote server, you can type:
``` {.bash org-language=”sh”} rsync –progress /home/user/directory/file.txt user@
Here, you need to change `/home/user/directory/` to your own filepath
and `file.txt` to your own filename. In '`user@`', `user`
represents your username on the remote server and `` the IP
address of the remote server. The `--progress` option will indicate the
progress of the file transfer - which is useful when transferring big
If you want to transfer files from the remote server to your local
computer, just swap the source and destination path specifications:
``` {.bash org-language="sh"}
rsync --progress user@ /home/user/directory/
If you want to transfer all files that are located in your local folder
, you can use the following command
``` {.bash org-language=”sh”} rsync -avz –progress /home/user/directory/ user@
- `-az` will transfer the files in 'archive mode' (which combines
several options, including recursing into directories)
- `-z` will compress the files durig the transfer
Note the trailing slash after the source directory:
`/home/user/directory/`. If you do not use this trailing slash, like
`/home/user/directory`, then `rsync` will create a folder with the name
`directory` at the destination and copy all files from the source folder
into it.
`scp` stands for "secure copy". The syntax of this tool is very similar
to `rsync`. For example, to transfer a single file from a remote host to
your local computer, you can type
``` {.bash org-language="sh"}
scp user@ /home/user/
To transfer all files within your local directory user/directory
the remote server, use the -r
{.bash org-language="sh"}
scp -r /home/user/directory user@
This will copy the entire directory
to the /home/user
location on
the remote server.